Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Bird art

This is a piece of art that I made. I user
D water coloured paint to paint it. Hope you like it.

Marae Reflection

What did you most enjoy about the Marae stay?
I enjoyed the Gorge Walk.

What are you most proud of yourself from the Marae stay?
Staying in another place without my parents.

What activity did you find the most challenging at the Marae and why?
The Gorge Walk was the most challenging because we had to walk a long way.

What did you learn about Maori culture or customs?
I learned that, in every carving there is different a story about different people.

Friday, 5 April 2013

What Reflection

What: flags, Catch me if you can, Cups with Olivia, blogs, algorithms and the Dice of Dare.

So What: Cups song with Olivia, writing a recount and multiplication algorithms.

Now What: solar system, more algorithms and more about the iPad.

Maths Time

In maths I made this math poster. Hope you like it.