WALT: Set Smart Goals
Purpose: To set a learning goal for school, friendships, sports and personal.
S.M.A.R.T. means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-sensitive.
Specific: Don’t be vague. What exactly do you want?
Measurable: Quantify your goal. How will you know if you’ve achieved it or not?
Attainable: Be honest with yourself about what you can reasonably accomplish at this point in your life, taking into consideration your current responsibilities.
Realistic: It’s got to be doable, real and practical.
Time: Associate a time frame with each goal. When should you complete the goal?
My writing goal is to link related ideas within and between paragraphs.
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because I need to work on it more and I think I am doing linking ideas weakly.
I will accomplish my goal by trying to practice more at home.
My reading goal is to infer meaning when she is reading across longer more complex sentences.
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because I might need more work on it.
I will accomplish my goal by exposing myself to a range of books with rich vocabulary.
My maths goal is to choose the most appropriate strategy for given problems.
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because I usually focus in one strategy.
I will accomplish my goal by revising my multiplication up to 10 x 10 and division up to 100 divided by 10.
My personal goal is to... mange self effectively.
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because even though my teachers think I'm good at it, I think I need to work on it because I sometimes I don't fill out my timetable.
I will accomplish my goal by not forgetting to fill my timetable as we go.